DragonBound > Guild > π‘‰π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘’π‘‘π‘¦
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Name π‘‰π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘’π‘‘π‘¦
GuildID 2377447
Created Jan. 19, 2024
Created By Γ‰variste Galois
Tournament Points 0
Guild Coins 1
Members / Guild Ranking
Name S GP L
1 K-Theory M 3,231,441
2 Paradis M 196,287
3 あけみ 愛子 F 168,503
4 Γ‰variste Galois M 88,233
5 BigfootPlayer M 4,231
6 Motives M 3,774
(rank20) Sheaf

Let X be a topological space. Then a presheaf F of sets on X:

For each open set U of X, there exist F(U). Another notation for this can be Ξ“(F,U) also called the sections of F over U. The sections of X is called the global sections of F. Ξ“(F,U)

For each V βŠ† U, a subsubset of X, a function called restriction morphism is from F(U) ----> F(V), the space is getting smaller conveniently for property malleable porpuses. s ∈ F(U) its restriction function means s is sent to the restriction section V also called res_U,V = s|_V

This restriction function forces to have two extra properties.

For every open set U of X: res_U,U: F(U) ----> F(U) as the identity morphism.

For three opensubsets of X, W βŠ† V βŠ† U, then composition restriction functor is res_W,V o res_V,U = res_W,U

Sheaf, at last!

Sheaf is a presheaf under two properties.

(Locally) Suppose U is an open set of X, {U_i} is the open cover of U, so for F(U), a presheaf of U. For all s, t in F(U), s|_U_i = t|_U_i, then s=t.

(Gluing) Suppose s_i in F(U) then s_i is a family of sections over the open cover of U. If all pairs of sections agree on its domain, then there exists a section s in F(U) such that s|_U_i = s_i for all i in I.
(rank21) K-Theory
Lets S be the set of polynomials and Z be the vanishing set of those polynomials, such set over an affine space forms an affine variety.

Z(S) := {x in X | f(x)=0 for all f in S}