DragonBound > Terms of Service
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Terms of Service
= DragonBound Terms of Service Thank you for playing DragonBound. By using our services, you hereby agree to our terms and conditions. DragonBound is a multiplayer online game, and is solely for entertainment purposes and to offer fun to players around the world. = Accounts You are responsible for your account. Please keep your password safe. We recommend not to share your personal Facebook information or your account password. Do not trust anyone with your password. We are not responsible for any case of compromise, theft, loss, or any other occurrence that would prevent you from using our services. DragonBound representatives or GMs will never ask you for your password. If you lose access to your Facebook account, you should use Facebook's support for getting back access to your account, we cannot help you with stolen Facebook accounts. All DragonBound accounts, avatars and items are properties of DragonBound. Sharing of accounts or giving the password of your account to other people is not allowed and not supported (Do not give your password to anyone, GMs will never ask for it). The sale of accounts is not allowed and is not supported. We allow transfer of use of the account to someone else securely with the help of a GM for a fee (a GM can link the DragonBound account to a different Facebook account and email). We can help if you lost your access to your account or want to change FB, but it is subject for identity validation and a service fee. The service fee is for the validation work time, and it will not be refunded in any case including if the identity validation did not pass. Users do not own their accounts, they are only given access to their accounts. This access can be blocked by DragonBound GMs for whatever reason they seem fit. Accounts which are not active for 6 months are considered "inactive accounts" of players who left the game. Usernames can be taken from inactive accounts (ask a GM if you want such username). = Avatars / Items It is entirely the player's decision to buy an avatar in the shop or not, there will not be change or devolution of the acquired avatars. Your avatars, whether bought with gold or cash, are only valid within DragonBound. You cannot claim ownership of avatars outside DragonBound, nor claim compensation in any form, in case of lost avatars. You agree that you have no right or title in or to any such content, including virtual in-game assets, or any other attributes or features of the Account or stored on the Service. You further agree that there are no refunds or restorations available for any intentionally or accidentally lost, misplaced, or deleted virtual assets. You also acknowledge that DragonBound may, in its sole and absolute discretion, review any virtual asset issues and make a binding decision in accordance with these terms. Avatars items and accounts have no real world value outside the game. Selling of avatars/items bought with virtual game currency "Cash" or "Gold" to other people for real money is forbidden and may be punished by blocking of access to these accounts and cancellation of the gifts. (As gifts meant to be used as gifts, or for exchange for rooms inside the game) = Code of Conduct / Rules Always do what is right and fair. You are not permitted to gain unfair advantage or use 3rd party programs to gain unfair advantage like aimbots and charts. DragonBound reserves the right to determine what constitutes "unfair advantage" this may be illegal GP gaining (mamuteo), and the use of third party programs to unbalance the fair and clean game, and will discipline users with any penalty that they deem fit, in the event of violating this policy. Respect other players. DragonBound will not tolerate any bad behavior by players. DragonBound will discipline users with any penalty that they deem fit, in the event of violating this policy. Do not harass, insult, hurt, cheat, scam, lie, fool, or share private information of other users. Bad behaviour may be punished by mute or ban of account and associated accounts. You are responsible for the chat that you post inside the game and outside the game, and your accounts may be punished for bad behaviour in chat or for breaking the code of conduct. Actions or supporting of actions like DOS or DDOS (booter) on our servers or on other users is strictly forbidden and may result in ban of all related accounts and reporting to local authorities. = Game Masters (GMs) GMs are virtual characters controlled by DragonBound team that can block, ban or modify accounts for any reason including bad behaviour, cheating, insulting, lying or hurting other players. DragonBound have chosen Game Masters of the game. The GMs are the people in the game who keep the peace and same treatment to the users inside the game, GMs will discipline users with any penalty that they deem fit, in the event of illegal playing. = Penalty/Ban Penalties will be the same in condition and criteria of the GMs who are designated to do so. Each GM will be responsible for their own bans, arbitrary bans are not tolerated and may lead into a destitution of their charge. They will have the following options: 1 day warning ban, no GP lose - Usually for troublemakers, insulting GM, chat spam. X days ban & -XX% GP - Usually for using 3rd party software that gives unfair advantage (like aimbots and auto-clickers), unfair fake free kill games to get GPs (mamuteo / boosting). Permanent Ban - Usually for payment issues, accounts involved in repeated offenses, or accounts used mainly for breaking the rules. Every GM in the game is able to mute players in order to keep the proper environment of the game. These were general guidelines. However, DragonBound saves the right to close temporarily or permanently or punish any account for any reason that DragonBound's GM finds necessary. = User Generated Content The game is multiplayer game and contains chat between players. We are not responsible for any user generated content including chat, avatars, graphics, and sounds. Some of our content may be created by users, and it may violate copyrights or trademarks. In the event that this happens, please contact us by email to the business relations address advertised in "Contact Us" and we will review and remove the illegal content from DragonBound website. When a player sends us his graphic design or sound to be added to the game, he also agrees that he will have no claims of intellectual property / copyrights / trademark in the future for this design. The reward that he may receive for sending us his design will be considered as DragonBound paying and buying his rights to use that graphical content for unlimited time. Although it is forbidden, some chat created by users might be offensive or contain links to bad websites. If this happens please take a screenshots and report to any of the GMs, the GM will review the report and may remove the content and punish the account who posted it. User photos (like profile photos) must not contain porn or any photo or animation that can be considered as bad behaviour or hurting other users. Inappropriate usernames, guild names, posts or photos will be removed/modified/closed/punished. = About Virtual Currency / Donations / Cash Chargers It is entirely the player's decision to buy an avatar in the shop or not, as well as it is to pay real money for them, users are not forced to buy game's cash. The real money is properly collected from users who agree to donate, cash is taken as donation to DragonBound, to server's maintenance and to keep offering our services. Any kind of chargebacks, reversed, or canceled payments will lead to a permanent ban of the related accounts. Refund Policy: There are no refunds, unless decided by the seller in special cases to make an exception. = Third Party Services Goods and services of third parties may be advertised and/or made available on or through DragonBound. Representations made regarding products and services provided by third parties are governed by the policies and representations made by these third parties. We shall not be liable for or responsible in any manner for any of your dealings or interaction with third parties. = Limitation of Liability Our website and services provided to you on and through our website on an AS IS basis. You agree that the owners of DragonBound exclusively reserve the right and may, at any time and without notice and any liability to you, modify or discontinue DragonBound and its services or delete the data you provide, whether temporarily or permanently. We shall have no responsibility or liability for the timeliness, deletion, failure to store, inaccuracy, or improper delivery of any data or information. YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, GOODWILL, USE, DATA OR OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSS (EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES), RESULTING FROM OR ARISING OUT OF (I) THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICE, (II) THE COST TO OBTAIN SUBSTITUTE GOODS AND/OR SERVICES RESULTING FROM ANY TRANSACTION ENTERED INTO ON THROUGH THE SERVICE, (III) UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR ALTERATION OF YOUR DATA TRANSMISSIONS, (IV) STATEMENTS OR CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY ON THE SERVICE, OR (V) ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THE SERVICE. Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of DragonBound. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages, and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use DragonBound to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violate of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by DragonBound. If you have read, understood and agree to these rules and conditions, you may use our services. If you disagree, leave immediately.